YODA READ, 1983. Original rolled (22 x 34” / 56 x 86 cm) Library Poster designed by the American Library Association in 1983 the year that Return of the Jedi was released. This motivational postesr has become a scarce and highly “Star Wars” . “Read and the Force is with you”.
This scarce, rolled poster is in near mint condition, some light waves and dimples from handling. We can linen back and flatten this poster for an additional $100 upon request or by adding the service to your shopping cart below. We linen back posters in house, please allow a week for this service to be completed. For more information on linen backing please click here
Condition C9 – For Sale $875 Rolled
*Shipping Charges*
“Buy This Poster” button adds a $10 base charge for shipping a folded or rolled poster or $15 base charge for a Linen Backed Poster within the USA. If outside the USA, please select the appropriate surcharge to your cart.
Please keep in mind that we are not responsible for delays, damage or lost items once the poster is mailed to you.
If you do not see your location please <CONTACT US> and we will provide a shipping quote. We combine shipping.
A folded or rolled poster is $10 or $15 if Linen Backed.
For Canada, the shipping surcharge is an additional $35 or $45 if Linen Backed.
For UK/Europe, the shipping surcharge is an additional $50 or $55 if Linen Backed.
For Asia/Australasia, the shipping surcharge is an additional $60 or $65 if Linen Backed.
To see this poster and others visit our gallery the Limited Edition in Historic downtown Katy, Texas. Providing poster sales, Linen Backing, Restoration and Framing services to the Houston, San Antonio, Austin and Dallas