STAR WARS, 1977. Original international style-C rolled Printers / Test Proof 1 Sheet (28 ” x 41 “) theatrical movie poster starring Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Alec Guinness, Peter Cushing, and directed by George Lucas. “A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…” According to the original print records, this poster was primarily for international distribution. Most of the style C posters were destroyed, but reports show that about 1000 of them were distributed to the general public with 100 of them having a PG rating box. <Reference> This rare printer’s proof would likely not exceed 50 copies in existence. This number is based on the typical frequency of printed test proofs per run of standard issue posters. The vast majority of style c test proofs that can be found on the market today come from a collection of 33 that were brought to the market by a man in southern California who inherited them in 2000 and put them up for auction with Bruce Hershenson.
This is a guaranteed 100% authentic Printers / Test Proof international 1 sheet Star Wars Style c movie poster.
There are no known fakes or reproductions of the test proof.
For all our Star Wars posters follow the link!
This rare and original Printers Test Proof was originally rolled and had some minor imperfections that were expertly touched up by the studio which restored it. This poster was not restored at; however, high-grade linen and materials were used in its preservation. The poster was likely a C8 condition prior to backing but appears to be c9 in its current form. The damage which existed was along the color bars.
Condition C9. Sold $4950
For the theatrical Style C 1 sheet <Click Here>.
For the rare “PG Rating box” release <Click Here>.
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